Sunday, September 18, 2011

This isn't a day

Because I'm not putting a picture on here. I wanted to say that I have put a few pics of myself on here but you couldn't see if you want to see me then ask and i shall oblige. Also if there is anything specific you would like to see a picture of please leave a comment telling me so. You can learn how to comment here. I understand some of your computers will not allow you to comment. But it helps me to please my audience if i have some feed back otherwise I will just continue blogging for my own personal happiness.

Real Life stories:
The other day I was riding my scooter with no hands and eating a Reeses peanut butter cup at the same time and a guy rides by on a long board and looks at me and says "thats pretty impressive I'm not gonna lie".

I was at the park with my scooter and camera and I was standing by the side of the road waiting for a car to pass so I could ride on the road. I had my back to the road. As I'm standing there I notice the car is slowing down and stopping behind me. I had only glanced at the car long enough to notice it was a red sports car and there was a guy driving it but I had no idea if he was younger or older. So I'm standing there hoping he is just parking to go into the house he was in front of (the road is pretty small). But He says "Hey girl" Now I had a Cedarville shirt on so it was obvious I was a college student. I turn around not sure what I should do. I see that the guy is old enough to be my grandpa and he wasn't getting out of the car and wanted me to go over there so he could show me something. So I walk up to his car(I wasn't scared that something bad was going to happen even though I knew it was a possibility and I probably should have been) The guy pulls out a postcard and shows me a picture of Cedarville college (it wasn't a University yet) in 1912. The first year it was built. It was just one building that we still have on campus. It was really cool! And later that week I was actually able to share that information with somebody else who was wondering. He probably would've talked to me a little more but a car pulled up behind him so he drove off. It was really random but it was cool.

I was siting at a table in one of our school buildings and a girl I kind of know walks up to me and starts talking to me and one of the first things she said was "Your teeth are really white! do you use whitener?"

Cute quote:
I was helping in the little kid Sunday school this morning and the teacher asked the students if they knew anybody who was perfect and one little girl said "My mom"