Sunday, March 27, 2011

jumping jacks

If you do 300 jumping jacks a day then it will stretch a lot of your muscles and will give you some exercise and it is really easy. It would be too intimidating to do 300 at once so you do 100 (which is pretty easy) then you wait about ten minutes and do another 100 and then wait about ten more minutes and then do another 100 and there you go! It is a really nice homework break! If you feel like this is super easy then try doing 200 in a row and 600 a day.

Disclaimer: I am not held responsible for any injuries that may occur. I am also not a health professional and therefore cannot guarantee this will be good exercise for you. Please consult your personal exercise coach if you have any questions or concerns.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

I have the coolest friends

For my birthday my friend gave me these awesome bottles. It wouldn't be so cool but a few weeks ago I had showed her a picture of some similar bottles and had said that someday I was going to get bottles just like those and take pictures of them. I had no idea it would be so soon. But yesterday she surprised me on my birthday and gave me some just like I wanted!! :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

happy days

This week there are three holidays pi day, Saint Patrick's day and........